Builders of Buzz Since 1993

Thoughts From BLP

Beyond the Buzz

Kate Returns

Kate and William. Photo by Dave.

Kate and William. Photo by Dave.

In January 2020, I handed off my projects to my brilliant colleagues and started a maternity leave. My son, William, was born punctually on his due date, February 13. He’s amazing. My husband and I spent weeks (maybe even months!) in a sleep-deprived, foggy state, as most new parents do. Then COVID happened. It’s been a weird year that has gone by so slowly, and so quickly all at the same time.   

As my leave came to an end, I was looking forward to returning to work. I love my job and the creative people I interact with each day. I also knew the industry I was coming back to was different than when I had left it.  

A week or so before my first day, Josh and I talked on the phone for nearly two hours, catching up and brainstorming future projects. “I feel like I am entering a new industry”, I admitted. “I thought you might say that” said Josh. “Our goals are still the same – we’re just doing it in different ways.”  

This year has been challenging in so many ways. I am sure most of the arts community also feels like they’ve been walking around in a sleep-deprived fog. BUT, we have been presented with a unique opportunity to try new things, experiment and shake things up! The way we did things before is not the way we can do them now, and that’s okay. We are creative people, after all!  

Although it’s not quite clear as to what 2021 will look like, I am feeling energized and ready to take on projects with a new perspective.   

Joshua Semchuk